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Feeling Stressed?

Monday the 4th the Telegraph had a headline in its health section “Almost half of Britains consider themselves stressed”.

With the ongoing squeeze on personal and business finance this is sadly not a surprise. So if you feel stressed here are a few simple things you can do to help:

Talk to your friends, simply talking things through may help more than you think and a different perspective can be illuminating.

Try some exercise, even a brisk walk two to three times a week will help you feel better and improve your ability to cope with difficult circumstances. Exercise is known to reduce stress hormones and release Endorphins, a neurotransmitter that, amongst other things, helps to lift mood. Research suggests that exercise may also build resilience to stress.

Put aside some time for yourself and be disciplined in keeping it. It’s for you enjoy it, exercise, socialise and relax. Meditation or yoga is sometimes helpful but not for all, Gardening or music may be more appropriate.

In times of stress it is easy to become very focused on yourself and your situation. Doing things for others can be helpful, other peoples circumstances can help put things in perspective and charity helps you feel good about yourself. Think about the last time you did someone a favour, how did it make you feel? How did you feel when someone else did you a good turn?

There are many situations that you have no control over and can’t change. Sometimes just accepting that can be helpful and save a lot of angst. Take a positive look at the things you do have control over, what can make life easier for you? Can you use your time more effectively?

At some point in all our lives things will be tough and we may or may not have the ability to influence our circumstances. By working to manage stress, you can free up energy to help yourself find a way through, or make life more acceptable until things change.